Free Tax Preparation (VITA & MyFreeTaxes)

Free Tax Preparation

Taxes do not have to be scary or expensive to deal with since United Way of St. Lucie & Okeechobee is giving local families a helping hand by providing free tax preparation services.

There are two options to choose from:

  • Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) services will be walk-in only.

  • is a website to help you file your taxes for free.


What to Bring to your VITA Appointment:

Please bring the following with you:

  • Proof of identification (photo ID). 

  • Social Security cards for you, your spouse and dependents.

  • An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) assignment letter may be substituted for you, your spouse and your dependents if you do not have a Social Security number.

  • Proof of foreign status, if applying for an ITIN.

  • Birth dates for you, your spouse, and dependents on the tax return.

  • Wage and earning statements (Form W-2, W-2G, 1099-R,1099-Misc) from all employers.

  • Interest and dividend statements from banks (Forms 1099).

  • Health Insurance Exemption Certificate, if received.

  • A copy of last year’s federal and state returns, if available.

  • Proof of bank account routing and account numbers for direct deposit such as a blank check.

  • To file taxes electronically on a married-filing-joint tax return, both spouses must be present to sign the required forms.

  • Total paid for daycare provider and the daycare provider's tax identifying number such as their Social Security number or business Employer Identification Number.

  • Forms 1095-A, B and C, Health Coverage Statements.

  • Copies of income transcripts from IRS and state, if applicable.



About the Tax Credits:

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) programs provide federal tax benefits for low and moderate-income workers. The EITC offsets some or all of those families' federal income taxes and in many cases provides a supplemental source of income to help offset other taxes, including sales and payroll taxes. In order to claim the credits, eligible workers must file a tax return.

*Attendees interested in having their taxes filed at the VITA site must bring the following documents: W-2 and 1099, Social Security card (yours and your dependents'), photo identification, and should bring a copy of 2021 tax return.

For more information, please contact 211 or the United Way of St. Lucie & Okeechobee at (772) 464-5300.